The Tornado Maxi-Bowser journey so far…
2020 the year of our first lockdown. I know, we don’t like to think about it too much either. However we like to think that everything is an opportunity, so we used this down time to get back to our innovative roots and start designing what we thought that our customers needed.
Our Tornado Mini-Bowser had, over the years, proven to be one of our most popular machines so it seemed like the best place to start. We wanted to offer a machine that could do more for our customers, give them more choice in the bowser marketplace, and so, our Managing Director came up with the concept of the Maxi-Bowser.
2021 saw a couple of prototypes being manufactured and tested in our factory. Not only did we decide to expand the tank size by 50% we gave the Maxi-Bowser a 30m integral hose with a steel hose reel & return to tank unloading. Allowing for a more robust machine that could withstand the longer industrial cleaning times whilst still being able to be locked away securely overnight.
On completion of the final Maxi-Bowser model we started speaking to our key customers and demonstrating our new machine ready for its official launch.
2022 was the year that that the Executive Hire show returned, a fitting occasion to launch the Maxi-Bowser to the industry. The Maxi-Bowser exceeded our expectations and was a hit, we received great feedback and even a few orders on day one of the show. Listening to customer feedback on our products has always been fundamental for us, the more we learn about what our customers want & need the better equipped our machines are for fulfilling their requirements.
So, on return from the show we sat down and went through the feedback on the Maxi-Bowser, taking on board all suggestions; it was time for an upgrade. One month later and we have now added a forklift suitable frame & strapping down eyes to the Maxi-Bowser as standard and have received our first bulk order of 80 Maxi-Bowser units from Brandon’s Hire Station. The first of many we hope.
The start of the Maxi-Bowser revolution perhaps…. we would like to think so.